고온효과를 고려한 직격 요격체 다화학종 초음속 제트 간섭


In this study, computational analyses are carried out to investigate the interference flows and the aerodynamic characteristics of a hit-to-kill intercepter due to lateral jets at medium altitude. In addition, the analyses are performed for air and multi-species gas used in the side jet. The results indicate that the position of the barrel shock are shifted upstream and the structure of the shock wave are changed for the multi-species jet when compared to the air jet. As a result, the high pressure region with multi-species jet moves forward and the pitching moment is higher under the same flow condition. Moreover, the inclusion of high temperature effects makes drastic changes in pressure distribution. The jet width is much bigger, and the jet diffuses over wider range in medium altitude than in low altitude, because of the low density of the freestream.

박사 (2022)
박사 (2018)