아음속 초음속 패널법을 이용한 항공기 안정성 미계수 예측


In this paper, a computer program that can estimates the static, dynamic stability and control derivatives of the longitudinal and lateral axes using a supersonic/subsonic panel method. The panel method uses subsonic supersonic source distributions and elementary horse shoe vortex distributions, and their strengths are determined by solving the boundary condition approximated with a thin body assumption. In addition, quasi-unsteady analysis on the body fixed coordinate system allows the estimation of damping coefficients of aircraft 3 axes. The code is verified by comparing the neutral point, roll damping and pitch damping of delta wings with analysis results. Finally, the longitudinal and lateral stability derivatives of F-18 are compared with experimental data as well as other numerical results to show the validity and the usefulness of the code.

박사 (2017)
박사 (2016)