구조 변형이 있는 평면 위의 비정상 유동해석을 위한 준-정상 기법


In this paper, we present and verify an aerodynamic reduced-order model (ROM) based on a quasi-steady flow method to reduce the computational cost of supersonic aeroelastic analysis. For supersonic flows, especially when the characteristic time scale of the flow is small compared to that of the structural motion, the unsteadiness of flow can be negligible, and quasi-steady solutions can be used instead of the unsteady solutions for the aeroelastic analysis. Kriging method is used to build the ROM of the aerodynamics. The surface solutions from the ROM are used as the boundary conditions for the structural analysis at each time-step. The ROM is validated against the unsteady solutions.

박사 (2022)
박사 (2017)