축대칭 초음속 흡입구 주위의 저주파수 및 고주파수 버즈(Buzz)에 대한 수치모사


In this paper, numerical simulations of both low- and high-frequency buzz phenomena at the throttle ratios (T.R.) in Nagashima’s experiment are performed. The dominant frequencies of the low-and high-frequency buzz in the experiment are about 109 Hz with T.R.=0.97 and 376 Hz with T.R.=0.55, respectively. An axisymmetric solver with the S-A turbulence model is used for the simulations, and DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform) on pressure histories is conducted for the buzz frequency analysis. In the present simulations, the free-stream Mach number and the Reynolds number based on the inlet diameter are 2 and 107, respectively. Both the low- and high-frequency buzz phenomena are accomplished without the changes in the grid topology. The dominant frequency of the simulation is about 125 Hz with T.R.=0.97, while it is 399 Hz with T.R.=0.55.

박사 (2014)
박사 (2017)
박사 (2017)