Aeroelastic analysis of bridge deck flutter with modified implicit coupling method


An effective time-domain aeroelastic framework for bridge deck flutters is presented based on a modified implicit coupling algorithm with grid deformation techniques. The grid deformation is accomplished by radial basis function interpolation as well as by the rigid movement of the initial grid. In this paper, for computational efficiency, a coupling frequency control technique is adopted for the implicit coupling algorithm. To verify the time-domain aeroelastic framework by using the grid deformation technique, the vortex-induced vibration of the cylinder and H-section bridge deck flutter are computed, and the results are compared with published results. The effect of the coupling frequency with the grid deformation technique is presented for the flutter analysis of the Great Belt East Bridge suspension girder section.

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
박사 (2017)
박사 (2016)
박사 (2022)